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Privacy Notice

Roche Press Day | Mujer, Salud e Igualdad
This information is meant to explain to you what kind of data we collect from what sources and are used for which purposes.

Identity and contact details of the data controller

F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Latin America, email: latam.rochepressday@roche.com (“Roche”) is data controller.

In the event, your personal data is covered by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”): EU representative of F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd is Roche Privacy GmbH, Emil-Barell-Str. 1, D-79639 Grenzach-Wyhlen.

Please direct any questions and requests related to this information to F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Latin America, email: latam.rochepressday@roche.com

In the event your personal data is covered by the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (Law n. 13.709/18), Produtos Roche Químicos e Farmacêuticos SA is the controller of your personal data. If after reading this Privacy Policy you still have any questions, or for any reason you need to contact us for matters involving your Personal Data, please reach us at brasil.privacidade@roche.com.

Purposes and legal basis for processing

Roche will collect and process your personal data when you register, attend and participate in Roche Press Day (the “Event”) in order to ensure an adequate organization, communication and promotion of the event, which will take place between November 2nd and 3rd, 2022.

The purposes of the processing of your personal data are handling registration and attendance, as well as post-event activities, such as sharing presentations and event content among participants and feedback collection. Furthermore, audio and/or video recordings may be taken during the event based on the prior consent of the speakers for communication purposes. In case of journalists, who opt to conduct interviews with the speakers, may be recorded as well to share with themselves.

For the purpose of event registration, management and follow up actions, we collect and process your data to meet our legitimate interests. We may also process your personal data to comply with legal and regulatory obligations. In addition, we may rely on your consent for:

Event recording for speakers. Your image and voice may be recorded during the Event to share the recording among the participants and publish for a larger audience. Interviews recording for journalists. Your image and voice may be recorded during the interview to share the recording for your own usage.

Invite you to participate at future Roche’s events and conference calls and provide with useful materials and integrated information.

Categories of personal data processed

Contact information, such as email address, profile (e.g. academic, journalist, healthcare professional, government, NGO, among others), and country are mandatory for registration.

Please note that the Event will be recorded based on the prior consent of the speakers. These video recordings may be shared among the participants and published by Roche for educational and communication purposes to the broad public in Roche’s corporate channels and social media channels (for example electronic, digital or printed media, social media).

During the Event, some personal data may be collected and disclosed to the participants, including your video camera, name and chat content. In addition, if you give permission Roche will use your account to add the event sessions on your calendar. These data will be removed immediately after the Event.

Recipients of personal data

Recipients of your data may be Roche’s affiliates around the world including in countries with privacy standards different from those in your country. Our Roche affiliates will use the data for the same purposes as we do. A list of Roche’s affiliates is available in the current annual report which can be found in the Investors section of www.roche.com.

Additional information in case your data is covered by GDPR: Regarding the exchange of data within the Roche Group, contracts containing the EU Standard Contractual Clauses according to EU Commission decisions of 27 December 2004 (2004/915/EC) and 05 February 2010 (C(2010) 593) constitute appropriate and suitable safeguards to ensure compliance with GDPR.

The Event is supported by a videoconferencing tool operated by Zoom acting as a data processor, contracts containing the EU Standard Contractual Clauses according to EU Commission decisions of 27 December 2004 (2004/915/EC) and 05 February 2010 (C(2010) 593) constitute appropriate and suitable safeguards to ensure compliance with GDPR.

Further, data processor for service and support is CROSSLATAM LLC (PQ Agency).

Storage period

The length of time in which we will store your personal data will differ depending on the purpose for which we have collected and are processing your data. In most cases, we will keep the data for two months following our last interaction with you within the Event. These data will be removed immediately after that time.

Information about your rights if your data is covered by GDPR

Provided your personal data is covered by GDPR, please note that you have the right to request from Roche access to and rectification of your personal data as well as the right to data portability, if applicable, or erasure or restriction of processing of your personal data. Erasure or restriction of processing is only possible if and to the extent the processing of personal data is based on consent or legitimate interest. If data processing is based on consent, kindly note that you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, however, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. For sending us a note to exercise your right to withdraw consent, please see contact details in the section “Identity and contact details of the data controller” above.

To avoid that your data is entered in the systems again after your request for erasure, in your interest and for us to comply with GDPR we may keep your name and e-mail address with a flag “Don’t contact anymore” in our systems.

In the event you have the impression that our data processing is non-compliant with GDPR: You are entitled to lodge a complaint with the responsible supervisory authority.

Data Sources

For purposes of agile registration, if you provide your LinkedIn profile to us, we will collect personal data from LinkedIn as a manual option to complete the required fields in the registration process.

Data Subject Rights – For Data Subjects Located in Brazil

You have a set of rights regarding your personal data, which is provided by the LGPD (“Data Subject Rights”), which you may exercise by making a request to Roche through the e-mail provided in first section of this Policy. As a data subject, you have the following rights:

(i) to obtain confirmation as to whether or not we process your personal data;
(ii) to access your personal data;
(iii) to rectify incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
(iv) to have unnecessary, excessive or noncompliant personal data anonymized, blocked or erased;
(v) data portability;
(vi) to have personal data processed under your consent erased — please note, however, that we almost never use “consent” as a legal basis for processing Your personal data;
(vii) to be informed about third parties with which their data has been shared;
(viii) to be informed about the possibility to refuse providing personal data and the corresponding consequences;
(ix) to withdraw your consent, when applicable;
and (x) to request a review of automated decisions that affect their interest and were solely based on automated processing of their personal data (the review does not need to be necessarily made by a natural person).

We respond to all requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Before responding to those requests, however, you may be asked to provide information and/or documentation that allow us to verify your identity. That information will be used solely for identity verification purposes and will be promptly deleted once this is done.

2. Authorization of Processing of Personal Data Consent of data usage for communication related to the Event

“Acting on my own behalf, and in full use of my faculties, by means of this document, I previously, expressly and informed authorize F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Latin America (hereinafter referred to as “Roche”), its related and affiliated companies; so that through its employees, consultants, advisors or contractors, they carry out the collection, storage, use, circulation, deletion, processing, administration, data analysis, transfer, transmission and handling (hereinafter referred to as the Processing) of my personal data.

1. Store, use and in general treat this information in databases for registering interactions with third parties, in order to invite new Roche activities and/or events.
2. Contact you via digital means such as email, calls, instant messaging applications to fulfill the above purposes.
3. Transfer or transmit personal data inside and outside the country when it is necessary for a third party to treat them for the development of the purposes.
I also authorize my data to be transferred and/or transmitted to other companies related to Roche, parent company, affiliates and subsidiaries, as well as to third-party contractors that provide services to Roche, and that must carry out the Processing of personal data.
The aforementioned transfer and/or transmission of personal data may even be made to companies that are outside the national territory. For the above, this document acts as express authorization and I understand that in the event of transfer and / or transmission, my personal data will be treated under strict confidentiality and security measures.
I also acknowledge that the Processing of my Personal Data will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Roche's Personal Data Protection Policy, which can be consulted at the following link: www.rochepressday.com I also understand that I may exercise, at any time, my rights as the owner of personal data, such as knowing, updating, rectifying, modifying, accessing, requesting the deletion of my personal data, or revoke the authorization granted, unless you have a legal duty to remain in the database. For any request or requirement related to the personal data provided, I understand that I can do the aforementioned to the email latam.rochepressday@roche.com By virtue of the foregoing, I declare that I am the owner of the personal data provided to Roche, unless otherwise stated in another document.

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